39 weeks£1831 +VAT
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Certificate in International Payroll Techniques

In today’s global marketplace the various rules and obligations both inside and outside the UK can be a compliance minefield. The increasingly international business landscape puts great demands on payroll professionals to keep up to speed with multiple legislative environments.

This 39-week specialist online programme enables candidates to learn new skills in this complex area or consolidate their knowledge of aspects of International Payroll.

Successfully completing the course will earn you a Pearson BTEC Certificate Level 3 in International Payroll Techniques.

Courses Overview

Duration: 39 weeks Price: £1831+VAT

Who will benefit?

This course is suitable for UK payroll and tax professionals who have responsibility for administering international payrolls as well as those who already have experience in this area but wish to formalise their expertise with a recognised qualification.

The course will also suit those with responsibility for EMEA payrolls but no direct payroll experience such as tax managers or Global Mobility HR professionals who need to understand the impact of employment taxes when employee’s cross borders.

What you'll achieve

This practical programme equips candidates with the technical expertise to effectively deal with International Payroll process and achieve the technical expertise to effectively deal with payroll requirements of expatriate and inpatriate employees.

By the end of the course you will have the knowledge and understanding to be able to deal confidently and effectively with international assignee issues and process payments for international assignees accurately.

Course content

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Unit 1

  • Module 1 - Domicile
  • Module 2 - Residency
  • Module 3 - Residency Days
  • Module 4 - Remittance Basis of Taxation
  • Module 5 - Keeping Records
  • Module 6 - Residency Rules in Other Jurisdictions
  • Assignment 1 - Residence & Domicile for Tax Purposes

Unit 2

  • Module 1 - UK PAYE Protocols for Expatriates and Inpatriates
  • Module 2 - Short Term Business Visitors
  • Module 3 - Effective EPAPP/4 Schemes
  • Module 4 - Modified PAYE Schemes
  • Module 5 - Modified NICs Schemes
  • Module 6 - Net of Foreign Tax Credit Relief
  • Module 7 - Dedicated Expatriate PAYE Schemes
  • Assignment 2 - UK Payroll Procedures

Unit 3

  • Module 1 - Social Insurance Procedures for Expatriates & Inpatriates
  • Module 2 - Residency for Social Security Purposes
  • Module 3 - Part 1 - European Economic Area Rules
  • Module 3 - Part 2 - European Economic Area Rules 2
  • Module 4 - Reciprocal Agreement Countries
  • Module 5 - Rest of the World Countries - ROW
  • Assignment 3 - Social Insurance Protocols

"I have chosen The Learn Centre both for my own knowledge base and in-house training courses for my teams for many years. I have always been extremely impressed with the content of the courses, people engagement and the positive feedback from my staff."

Ann Chesher
Head of Employee Services at 1Life (Management Solutions)

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39 weeks£1831+VAT
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