
Electronic Payment Deadline

HMRC is reminding employers that the due date for electronic payments falls on a weekend for December 2024, employers must ensure that payment for the month is filed on time.

Unless payments are made using the Faster Payments system cleared funds must be deposited to HMRC Debt Management and Banking account no later than Friday 20 December.

HMRC can issue penalty notices for late payments. The range of penalties are as follows:

Number of defaults in a tax year

Penalty percentage applied to the amount that is late in the relevant tax month (ignoring the first late payment in the tax year)

1 to 3


4 to 6


7 to 9


10 or more


If payment is less than the amount due for the relevant period this will result in a penalty notice, daily interest will continue to build up on all unpaid amounts from the due and payable date to the date the payment is made.

Additional penalties of five percent of the total amount due will be applied if the payment is not paid within six months, from the original due date, this will rise by a further five percent on the total amount if still unpaid after 12 months.

If a penalty notice is served, this can be challenged, with good cause. Details of the appeals process will be advised in the penalty notice.

A few examples of what can be considered acceptable means for an appeal are:

bereavement, ill health, information technology difficulty, or a time to pay arrangement is in place.

Appeals should normally be lodged within 30 days from the issue date of the penalty notice, the quickest way to appeal is to make an online application using HMRC’s PAYE for employers service, select the ‘Appeal a penalty’.

An immediate acknowledgement will be returned from HMRC following the appeal submission.

Written applications can be sent to can be sent

DM PAYE Late Payment Penalties
HM Revenue and Customs

All appeals must include the Unique ID as provided in the penalty notice; this will be required to identify which penalty notice is being challenged.

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Deon Piovesan
Finance and Payroll Manager at Capital City College Group

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