Managing Outsourced Payrolls
International markets continue to grow in importance for companies, and with this growth comes an expansion of compliance requirements. Whether you are sending expatriates into a country or taking on a small local payroll as part of an acquisition or branch opening, your business will need to ensure it meets all of its obligations. Outsourcing the payroll function may seem the best solution, but the company remains legally liable for any mistakes the outsource partner may make. It is therefore important that the end client is aware of what the major tasks are the outsourcer performs on their behalf, the key deadlines that they need to sign off, and how to interpret key reports and payslip information.
Attendees will be able to accurately follow a simple pay calculation, and should be able to identify all of the key items on a payslip. You will also be able to:
- Identify all key jurisdiction deadlines
- Understand the penalty regimes and the consequences of getting it wrong
- Have a detailed understanding of the scope of service you are purchasing from an outsource partner
- Understand how to keep up to date with changes in country, and be able to challenge your outsource provider to ensure such changes are made
- Identify what information you need to pass to the outsource partner and why you have to provide it
South Africa
- Business culture and etiquette
- South African Revenue Service (SARS) set up
- Tax legislation
- Registering as an employer
- Tax Practitioner requirements
- Recognised Controlling Bodies
- e@asyfile system
- Employer Statement of Account
- Tax rates
- Tax rebates
- PAYE monthly calculation
- PAYE Annual Equivalent calculation
- Calculating taxable pay – allowable deductions
- Retirement fund contributions
- Medical Tax credits
- Standard Vs Non Standard Employment
- Varying the PAYE deduction and tax directives
- Taxation of benefits In kind
- Tax free items
- Travel and subsistence reimbursements/allowances
- Voluntary Disclosure programme
- Monthly EMP201 report
- Paying SARS
- EMP501 interim and annual reconciliation
- IRP5/IT3(a) certificates
- Penalties
- Leaver provisions
- Employment tax incentive
- Unemployment Insurance Fund
- Skills Development Levy
- Residency rules and Double taxation Agreements
- Arrangements for non resident sports people and artistes
- COIDA Compensation Fund
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act
- Collective Agreements
- Employment Equity Act and equity reporting
- Working time and overtime
- Minimum wage
- Payslip requirements
- Vacation
- Sick leave
- Family leaves