1 day£643 +VAT
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Tackle the more complex aspects of payroll administration

This practical training course delves deeper into the workings of the payroll function that are essential to gaining a thorough overall knowledge of employing and paying staff. The course looks at different types of staff through their employment, from starter to leaver, understanding their status and rights focusing on National Insurance, holiday pay, salary sacrifice, termination payments and pensions.

This course is Day 3 of the Payroll Procedures qualification course, which can lead towards Pearson BTEC Advanced Award in Payroll Procedures.

Courses Overview

Duration: 1 day Price: £643+VAT CPD: 6 hours (certificated)

Who will it benefit?

This course is perfect for anyone who already has hands-on payroll experience and is looking to develop their skills. This includes not only payroll managers or supervisors but any other staff who have some or full responsibility for the payroll operation within their business and anyone who wants to have more knowledge around the more complex areas of employing and paying staff.

What you'll achieve?

By the end of the course you will have a good understanding of staff and employment status, termination and redundancy payments along with effective management of earnings for NI and Tax purposes including minimising errors in calculating tax and NI. The course will also review other high profile areas including holiday pay in different situations, salary sacrifice schemes, director’s NI and an overview of pensions and pension administration.

Course Content

The content of the workshop is flexible, which allows the tutor to concentrate on aspects directly related to those attending on the day. This is a very active subject and the content is constantly updated to ensure you are compliant with the latest changes to legislation.

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Employment status

  • Identifying correctly for tax and employment right
  • Personal Service Companies and IR35 legislation

Termination Payments

  • A detailed review of termination payments and how to determine whether tax and NI are due
  • Understanding the ‘logical sequence’
  • Changes to termination payments from 2018

Advanced payroll administration

  • Holiday entitlement, pay and unusual situations
  • ERA 1996, how a week’s pay is determined
  • Notional payments, what are they and how to deal with them
  • Salary sacrifice and flexible benefit schemes and how they work
  • Understanding the impact salary sacrifice and NMW
  • Payments made after leaving and how should they be treated
  • Problem areas for Class 1 NICs, mistimed and irregular payments
  • Earnings periods and how they are determined for employees and directors
  • Directors NICs
  • Checklist for aggregated earnings for NI in multiple employments

Pensions and NI

  • Basic and additional state pensions
  • Comparing different pension and qualifying schemes in the context of auto-enrolment
  • The significance of ‘contracting-out’ and its effect on NI with occupational pension schemes
  • Group and personal pension schemes
  • Annual and lifetime allowances

"My team always attends the annual Payroll and HR Update course. Essential information covering often complex legislative changes, always presented by excellent trainers with in depth knowledge of their subject. A 'must attend' course for any serious payroll professional."

Deon Piovesan
Finance and Payroll Manager at Capital City College Group

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1 day£643+VAT
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